“All that is necessary for evil to triumph, is for good people to do nothing.”
– Edmund Burke
Our Mission: Ethical & Sustainable Provision of the Vital Needs, As a Society; to Prevent Global Slavery & to Gain Maximum RoI for Global Sovereignty.
The majority of people throughout time and history have been ruthlessly enslaved and abused by small minorities of the population, because we have not been collectively aware of, or in control of, the resources and education that is necessary to provide for our vital needs.
The worst tragedies to afflict human kind could have all been prevented or avoided if the people would have not caused commonly known disrespect and damage to one another, and all society and the world would be a thriving utopia if the people would have been looking out for one another along with self development; vs allowing the insults, slavery and mass genocide and extinctions that we have allowed and experienced.
Very recently, controlling powers within many global government and corporate organizations attempted to begin taking control of the world with what was called the, “great reset“. And with this; the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) was promoted by the Mainstream Media and many members of Congress as something good – while the CCP brutally murdered more than 80 million innocent Chinese people (Falun Gong, Falun Dafa, Christians, Muslims, Uighers, Buddhists/Tibet) during their “restructuring” and they currently enslave billions in horrible conditions.
Even Joe Biden assaulted children in public multiple times with overwhelming evidence, and members of Congress and the mainstream media refuse to even mention it. Joe Biden has more than 150 Suspicious Activity Reports related to human trafficking, and the Biden DoJ refused to aid Rep. Comer in his investigation. Biden and team even hide Satan ritual abuse in the People’s faces like we’re stupid with 3.0330 that is the quotient of 2020 divided by 666, and still the media and powers that be are silent.
The term E Pluribus Unum, pre-dates America and is, with providing for our vital needs, the underlying method that human kind has used throughout history to overcome and break free from slavery and tyranny. And it is also the method of creating economies of scale and developing the best education and national security possible.
Now in the modern world, we face the possibilities of either cultivating the greatest lives and futures possible; or allowing our lives and futures to face ruin and destruction.
Unity = Victory!!!
We can develop ourselves to our fullest potential, (with our skills and education) by understanding and sustainably cultivating; the vital needs that the entire world and all nations need, to have provided for in order to develop the strongest economies and most sustainable ecosystems possible.
Network/Be United: (by Community, City, Region & Nation) to share information &:
> Build Ethical Profit Businesses, (want low rates instead of slavery?) & Form
> Government Action Committees: to account for the true welfare and needs of the people, to genuinely give We the People a very needed voice in political and legislative actions; & to impeach and remove all, elected, officials that act for political or selfish motive over the public and national good.
Gods Word is not to kneel but to arise, and for every living being to critically think, understand and act individually and collectively for themselves and their world with appreciation and respect for all other possible life and existence. We are certainly not, born from God, our Earth and family, to blindly obey cruel tyrants who openly manipulate and abuse the most helpless and vulnerable, during the worst and most challenging of times.
By choosing and knowing ourselves what our talents, affinities, aspirations, commitments and devotions are; we can align ourselves in our local, regional, national and global vital need council focus groups to create and develop the strongest and most indestructible systematic operation possible; to achieve the morality, unity and efficacy demanded by Gods world and the dignity, appreciation and respect of His people, species and ecosystem.
(Thank you for bearing with the tech resistance that keeps ruining my website. And please email if you’ve donated, none have been received!)
ESA News – Resolutions for the Coordinated Attack on America & Freedom 1/27/21
rumble was blocking me from uploading videos, and after this video was viewed at least 7 times by different people youtube said it only had 2 views 1/31/21 Boycott corrupt companies and help start the ESA!
Help the ESA create new social media and new market places!!!
venmo at @danield18317297 & Join & Participate!!!
The ESA is planned to operate as a multiple entity hybrid social enterprise. This option allows the ESA to operate as a 501(c)(3) charitable organization that owns and operates ethically purposed for-profit businesses while accepting tax deductible donations. By also forming legislative action committees with local, regional and nation vital need council focus groups; the ESA will be able to create enormous positive impact while preventing and dissuading unethical and unsustainable practices.
The ESA is in it’s beginning/seed stage of development and co-founders who most believe in this cause are encouraged to contact to further development.
We are currently seeking people experienced with:
+ Startup Social Enterprise & related Law
+ Recruiting & Marketing
+ Software Development & Engineering
+ Business Development & Administration
We clearly need the most experienced people we can find, though anyone who is genuinely moral and responsible, willing to learn and develop themselves and committed to the ESA mission, vision and success is welcome to apply and work with us.
*Because of extensive tech’ issues I’ve not been able to reach or read all the emails. Please email again here if it’s urgent, I look forward to networking with everyone!
Please donate and join & participate!
Thank you for your time and enthusiasm,
Daniel Dunn
ESA Founder
Copyright © 2018 – 2025 Daniel Dunn
All Rights Reserved