
All that is necessary for evil to triumph, is for good people to do nothing.”
– Edmund Burke


Ethical & Sustainable Provision of the Vital Needs Together for Maximum RoI, with the ESA Timeline TM

If the People do not stop begging tyrants to provide for our most vital needs and start providing for our own needs (sovereignty) – they will yet again attempt global slavery by causing untold devastation and our environment will be faced with the 6th mass extinction.

If the People do Unite to self provide for vital needs (ethical profit corporations to replace unethical corporations & remove unethical politicians) – We will achieve the greatest Return of Investment physically possible and be able to genuinely regulate corruption by controlling Our, funding of it (stop supporting unethical businesses that corrupt politics and economics & start monitoring Our, tax spending/RoI!).

Unity = Victory!!!
Donate: with venmo @DanielD18317297(4895)
Sign Up: so we can most effectively:
Network/Be United: (by Community, City, Region & Nation) to share information &:
Build Ethical Profit Businesses, (want low rates instead of slavery?) & Form
Government Action Committees: to account for the true welfare and needs of the people, to genuinely give We the People a very needed voice in political and legislative actions; & to impeach and remove all, elected, officials that act for political or selfish motive over the public and national good.

(Thank you for bearing with the tech resistance that keeps ruining my website. And please email if you’ve donated, none have been received!)


And with this; the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) was promoted by the Mainstream Media and many members of Congress as something good – while the CCP brutally murdered more than 30 million innocent Chinese people (Falun Gong, Falun Dafa, Christians, Muslims, Uighers, Buddhists/Tibet) during their “restructuring” and they currently enslave billions in horrible conditions; while still being championed by mainstream media, big-tech/wall street and many elected, officials.

So #BoycottBigTech for supporting the CCP and censoring free speech! For your own sake Do Not support any company that supports communism such as: Walmart, amazon, Samsung, Google or AT&T (owns CNN). And redirect communist supporting social media like fakebook & twit’er to new social media & Stop Watching Mainstream Media!   #BoycottBigTech

Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe stated clearly in a letter to Congress the 7th of January 2021, that the Chinese Communist Party interfered with the 2020 election and that the fact was suppressed by the CIA, and the people who uploaded Biden votes to replace Trump votes in Italy; already testified saying so and signed affidavits that were processed by the US Embassy there. And there are literally hundreds if not thousands of videos and sworn affidavit testimonies from election workers stating clear irregularities and criminal behavior at voting locations such as covering windows with cardboard and paper, refusing poll watchers sometimes multiple times even with court orders, entire diesel truck trailers and cart loads of ballots being switched and processed far past the voting time, thousands upon thousands of duplicate ballots being incorrectly filled in when duplicate ballots were not ever needed and votes being physically torn up and thrown away, many caught on video; not to mention computer forensic data that proves the votes were illegally altered by algorithms locally from foreign nations.

Joe Biden has openly assaulted children in public multiple times and hardly anyone will even mention this; which is itself evidence of the ability of a criminal monopoly of politics and media to divisively censor and abuse all the people they possibly can. He and the political cartel that owns him hide Satan worship in the People’s faces like we’re stupid with 3.0330 that is the quotient of 2020 divided by 666. He is openly in league with the CCP that murdered millions with the blessing of the mainstream media and Wall Street. And he openly opposes the border with Mexico; where more than 300,000 people have died in the Cartel Wars in less than 15 years. And amidst the threats of the CCP and the Cartels and wanting to remove borders; Biden also aims to take away the Peoples ability to defend themselves.

Hell is a very real place and we can’t take the benefits of money or social connections with us when we die, so we ought to do all we can to create a systematic moral, society. The entire Universe being Created by God; exists to create and empower life – those that purposefully insult and harm life will face the Wrath of God – do not ever say you weren’t warned. Life and our world is sacred and ought to be treated with respect and dignity.

So Network & Unite with Fact Finding instead of Fault Finding to #ImpeachBiden & all, other elected, officials that dis-abide the Constitution and the genuine needs of the People! If we do not impeach and remove Biden and every other elected, official that broke their oath of office ignoring voter fraud amidst the clear threat of the CCP – we will loose our system of governance if we haven’t already and possibly our very nation. So network locally and nationally to share information, sign petitions and communicate with your, elected officials that will listen, to #ImpeachCorruptOfficials and #EnsureVoteIntegrity and support the ESA ethical businesses and vital needs collectively for the most freedom, wealth and sustainability possible!

ESA News – Resolutions for the Coordinated Attack on America & Freedom 1/27/21
rumble is blocking me from uploading videos, and after this video was viewed at least 7 times by different people youtube said it only had 2 views 1/31/21 #BoycottBigTech and help start the ESA!

Help the ESA create new social media and new market places!!!
venmo at @danield18317297 & Join & Participate!!!



The Ethical Sustainability AllianceGods Word is not to kneel but to arise, and for every living being to critically think, understand and act individually and collectively for themselves and their world with appreciation and respect for all other possible life and existence; especially when forced to use necessary force to protect ourselves, our families and our nation from the historical threats that will never stop attempting slavery and mass murder against the people and our resources (preventing violence by promoting moral sustainability whenever possible first).

We are certainly not, born from God, our Earth and family, to blindly obey cruel tyrants who openly manipulate and abuse the most helpless and vulnerable, during the worst and most challenging of times.

The historical prime cause of the most loss, devastation and continued oppression of all people throughout time and culture: is people willingly causing harm as God has Commanded us not to and people not looking after themselves and their community and world as God has Commanded. If humanity would have continually adhered to Gods Word: not any, of the worst tragedies that have afflicted human kind would have happened. And if we now collectively choose to rightly adhere to Gods Word we will absolutely achieve the greatest return possible of our time, effort and resources in creating the most ethical and sustainable development of ourselves and world that is physically possible to achieve; while preventing and avoiding the continual attacks that will continually come from minor groups of the population to control the majority as history has shown. 

Among the most dyer problems afflicting human and living kind and our world is that – the People and our, elected officials are not at this time utilizing critical awareness and education; and are instead imposing harsh restrictive orders on everyone that is destroying the very lives of the People of our society. It is simply not possible for a minor group of people to appropriately/morally provide for the entire population. And it is simply a matter of fact, not fault finding, of what priorities and actions ought, to happen to appropriately/morally provide for the entire population and our ecosystem – not political affiliation, spite, control, clout or any other essentially meaningless or harmful hindrance otherwise. To save (and accelerate the development of) all society and our ecosystem – We ought to utilize critical awareness and education; instead of imposing harsh restrictive orders upon everyone that is currently destroying the very lives of our society and our ecosystem. (98% of the population will not even know they’ve developed an immunity to covid without,,, the vaccine – there is no need for covid panic or vaccine Nazi-ism and despite science proving this; elected and appointed officials are still forcing that, despite the effects of the covid lock-down causing more harm and death than covid itself. Those with conditions putting them at-risk to covid (where they could be harmed by it vs catching it,,,) – ought to take precautions and be prepared to heal from covid (with car defrosters, dehumidifiers and walks outside where it’s hot and dry); instead of all society being on lock down & being charged to pay Trillions, of dollars for the purposefully caused pandemic, despite the above information. ESA News update coming soon amidst chaos 🙏✨).

By choosing and knowing ourselves what our talents, affinities, aspirations, commitments and devotions are; we can align ourselves in our local, regional, national and global vital need council focus groups to create and develop the strongest and most indestructible systematic operation possible to achieve the morality, unity and efficacy demanded by Gods world and the dignity, appreciation and respect of His people, species and ecosystem.

Perhaps the greatest hero’s ever to exist have been those who have served in the ranks of groups, parties and systematic entities that have accosted the people so harshly. Popes, Inquisitors and tyrants of all kinds have by the grace of God and the heavens seen the truth and chosen to do whatever they could to support the true Will of God and spare everyone they could immediately and continually.

In the spirit of preserving the strongest development of Gods creation in the way of the newest and oldest in development; the ESA is a new idea being forged sparsely amidst challenge in need of support to blossom to what it is demanded to be in the world, times and circumstances we all have before us. By collectively providing for our vital needs ethically and sustainably we can develop the greatest social and economic strength physically possible given our time, effort, resources and technology and so we can spare ourselves from yet another historical atrocity of practically unimaginable proportion.


The ESA is planned to operate as a multiple entity hybrid social enterprise. This option allows the ESA to operate as a 501(c)(3) charitable organization that owns and operates ethically purposed for-profit businesses while accepting tax deductible donations. By also forming legislative action committees with local, regional and nation vital need council focus groups; the ESA will be able to create enormous positive impact while preventing and dissuading unethical and unsustainable practices.

The ESA is in it’s beginning/seed stage of development and co-founders who most believe in this cause are encouraged to contact to further development.

We are currently seeking people experienced with:

+ Startup Social Enterprise & related Law
+ Recruiting & Marketing
+ Software Development & Engineering
+ Business Development & Administration

We clearly need the most experienced people we can find, though anyone who is genuinely moral and responsible, willing to learn and develop themselves and committed to the ESA mission, vision and success is welcome to apply and work with us.


Please donate and  join & participate!


What We Believe, Why We Do It

Life and our world is sacred and ought to be treated with respect and dignity. How We treat our ecosystem is how we treat our society, and how We treat our society is how We treat each other.

From the beginning of recorded history to now our ecosystem and society has been and is under constant attack from misguided and fearful cowards and We must always collectively discern and act to ensure ethical sustainability lest We all be victims of the worst coward abusers.

We can, by working together to ethically and sustainably provide for our vital needs; create the greatest quality of life and true wealth possible, while preventing and dissuading social and ecological peril.

We have reached a point in time in our development as a species, where we will either choose to act in the ways that will ensure our survival, quality of life and development; or continue to commit the crimes against humanity and nature that we have been collectively committing that is currently initiating a mass extinction.

What we must do in order to attain quality of life and development is not decided by the want and greed of human beings, but the natural circumstances we have as human beings upon our planet in consideration to the ethical and sustainable provision of our vital needs.

From the beginning of recorded history to the present world, minor percentages of the population have held abusive control over the majority. If we do not take responsible for ourselves for our own sake, others will claim responsibility for us for their sake and continue to abuse and destroy us and our ecosystem.

By collectively focusing on the ethical and sustainable provision of our vital needs, we collectively look after the most important aspects of our lives that determine our short and long term survival and quality of life and development as a people. By being responsible for the ethical and sustainable provision of our vital needs ourselves as a society, we eliminate the incentivisation of violence, disease, coercion and slavery for profit by corporations, prevent our own system of governance from enslaving us for our own ‘good’ and create the greatest quality of life and wealth possible with the time, effort and resources that we have to invest.

Unity  =  Victory  =  Help Start the ESA!!!
Donate: with venmo @DanielD18317297
Sign Up: to build the Timeline TM so we can most effectively:
Network: (Family, Community, City, Region & Nation) to Support Positive Events, Build Ethical Businesses & Hold Law Makers Accountable for Honorable & Criminal Actions

Thank you for your time and enthusiasm,

Daniel Dunn
ESA Founder

Ethical Sustainability Alliance - Power

Copyright © 2018 Daniel Dunn

All Rights Reserved