Three years ago this day I revealed the resolution to practically every major crises and challenge that we face as the human race, as revealed to me by God directly more than sixteen years earlier. It is a simple way of looking at social planning and organizing in regard to best facilitating the provision of vital needs, in order to create and sustain the best quality and sustainability of life and our ecosystem possible.
Being a logical and rational person, despite having absolute confidence in the Word that I received, felt that I had to somehow understand the working and functioning of society better to present an ideal and way of organizing that I claim supersedes all others in the name of Divine harmony and grace of all society and all existence. Promoting the idea of people in communities and nations planning and organizing themselves in the name of their own and greater vitality and welfare, by focusing on sustainable vital provision and instigating the first truly democratic committees and conferences; has become my prime focus for spreading this simple, naturally reliable resolution to major problems and crises that is the divine Word and natural way of universal existence.
I am a person that deals with the same issues and problems as the majority of the rest of the population and I’m exited and elated to be among the first people standing behind the ideal of organizing and building our society to be best able to look after itself, instead of only relying on groups of corrupt individuals to decide the fate of everyone else. I am finally understanding how this works well enough to invite others to participate, despite this being a rather simple and natural resolution and way of operating.
Just as I’m arriving at the conclusion that I now know what I’m presenting well enough to engage others with it instead of merely making the wisdom publicly available, I experienced a very strange ‘coincidence’ of meeting four people for the first time in one day, on 12/21/2015 and getting into quite deep conversations regarding social welfare and spirituality with each of them. The only other person I recently spoke to on that level also showed up and overheard one of the conversations.
The third person I met and spoke with mentioned how life on Earth and our Universe is reaching an advanced point of evolution and understanding and how this new frequency of universal harmony involves continually being at our highest level instead of continually doing on a lower frequency level. After reviewing the video he mentioned he learned this from, I’m left with the impression that the natural and divine resolution that I am presenting is already in the hearts and minds of many people and that a tremendous positive evolution is indeed in store for our world.
I invite all of you to join me in the sacred work of invoking the divine inspiration, wisdom, redemption and salvation that is unfolding upon our world, by speaking about and promoting the quality and sustainability of life that is created and ensured by exercising our natural affinity and moral obligation to look after the vital provision of ourselves and our ecosystem as communities and nations.
Thank you for sharing the experience of supporting such an exiting, important and meaningful endeavor with me as human beings on our planet during this time.
Best wishes and regards in reaching new levels of personal, human and ecological development,
Daniel Dunn
SEI Founder