
Current overall condition: Worst;


Current Problems:

Housing: The housing industry is being used as a tool for coercion and abusive profit that is causing untold stress and stress related deaths to hundreds of millions, while more than ten million people are homeless with more than thirty million vacant properties that are financially out of reach to the needy. The common standard of the housing industry in America and largely the world for those not in the upper class – is to endure insulting abuses in the worst slums imaginable while paying everything to rent or go homeless, while those taking the money act as if they somehow deserve respect for what they done (not to insult the very, few lessors who do deserve respect).

Health Care: The health care industry is being used as a tool for coercion and abusive profit, which is incentivizing disease that has been and still is causing the harm and death of people at the level of genocide. The non-existent middle class and poor are often times indebted and hence enslaved by outrageous healthcare costs, that goes to pay already criminally overpaid profiteers that care only for taking all they can while pretending to be indispensable public assets.

Toxic Chemicals: hundreds of millions of people in the US alone have died from known toxins that could have easily been prevented. And many of the worst that cause cancer, death and other painful diseases are approved by our government and allowed to continue to poison, harm and kill countless more.

COVID-19 Pandemic: the new highly contagious virus has spread globally and killed more than one hundred thousand people with acute respiratory distress syndrome and devastated financial markets and small businesses the world over.


Current Resolutions:

+ Housing: Public, Charitable, NGO, NPO, Social Enterprise & Government efforts to individually or collectively mass develop essential housing to prevent and dissuade homelessness, slavery and trafficking. Such housing can channel the rent paid to it to developing more housing if necessary, improving existing housing and creating other essential programs. And ESA housing councils to develop the best ethical and sustainable housing development plan to carry forward to long term development.

+ Health Care: Public, Charitable, NGO, NPO & Social Enterprise development of moral, and sustainable healthcare companies and healthcare related insurance companies; that actually provide necessary care at the most affordable rates possible without attempting to literally butcher people for profit. ESA/above Legislative Action Councils to work with or pressure federal and state governments to implore national competition of health care companies to lower prices and raise quality. Continued ESA health care councils to continually improve health care development.

+ Toxic Chemicals: Continual review of relevant law and regulations with what is morally and sustainable acceptable, to guide ESA council focus and further development.

+ COVID-19 Pandemic:  Using universal precautions that includes considering everything to be infected to inspire best sanitary practices, with preventative measures such as always coughing or sneezing into ones elbow, using personal protective equipment such as face masks, bandanas, scarves, face shields, along with bleach wipes and handkerchiefs; with mass testing and self-quarantine for the infected, is the only and best way to handle this or any other virus or pandemic.

Using Active Isolated stretches to gently stretch the muscles only a little bit for 2-3 seconds before gently releasing, can, greatly increasing the range of motion of joints and bones held by tight muscles. And we can increase the lung capacity within the chest, by using Active Isolated stretches to gently roll the shoulders back and down, to stretch the subclavius and clavicular head of the pec. major. We can also stretch the serratus anterior by gently bringing the shoulder blades away from the ribs just a little during the same stretch. And, by breathing in through the nose down the back of the throat and breathing out up the front of the throat our the mouth; can greatly aid in ease of aspiration in dealing with the effects of it. Always consult your doctor before beginning this or any training regimen.



.         Immediate 1 – 10 years:

+ Council meetings at local, regional, national and global levels
+ Health care company creation
+ Housing company and construction development
+ Health & life insurance companies
+ Agriculture company and development
+ Food and beverage companies
+ Grocery & markets
+ Pharmaceutical companies
+ Chemical companies

.         Short Term 10 – 50 years:

+ Continual development of appropriate focus areas

.         Long Term 50 – 500 + years:

+ Continual development of appropriate focus areas



+ Continual Sustainable Development

+ Social Organization

+ Technology & Infrastructure

+ Education

+ Safety