
Starting a new year inspires all of us to realize our ability to create new goals, new thoughts and to create new lives. It also reminds us and motivates us to realize how special and important our time here in life really is, and how fun, meaningful and rewarding it is to make the most of the time, opportunity and potential we have before us. With all this, the creativity and wit of our minds naturally determines the resolutions that decide goals, that create new habits and new ways of living. 2016 New Year FireworksAnd with these new endeavors and ambitions, we are naturally led out of old comfort zones of old ways of living, to exhilarating and awakening new challenges and opportunities that will forge new strengths, new experiences, new relationships, new loves and new lives. And with every moment, we will have the choice of whether or not we will continue on the path we’ve chosen to a new brighter destiny, or to revert back to the supposed comforts that may no longer serve us. With intelligent and meaningful dreaming and planning, we can make the choices to take the chances that can bring the changes we seek to experience.

We must know that no one else will make our dreams come true but us and so must realize and follow the path that we know is true to the lives we know we are meant to honestly live. Our time strengthin life is naturally to be appreciated and lived truly alive, not to be lived in resentment of wasting the time, effort and resources we have. In knowing the lives that we know we need to live, we come to understand what resolutions must be planned and organized to live them. Beyond token efforts made in mere attempts at better lives, our resolutions are plannedĀ  to thoroughly and permanently change our lives forever. To honestly change our lives for the better, and to honestly follow new challenging and exhilarating resolutions, we know that the ways that we think, act and live must likewise change with them.

In the world that we have now in our contemporary time, we know that the problems we face with safety and security, health ‘care’, education, technology, laws and social planning; have their source in the selfish and abusive interests and planning of a minority of our population. Though what most people tend to shy and shrink away from, is facing the honesty that these problems road and stars and crises have been allowed largely by the lack of participation and caring of the majority of our population. Many if not all of us at one point in time or another have allowed ourselves to believe that it is pointless to care about or participate in the actions that we know can change our world and lives for the better. It is all to easy to allow several bad experiences convince us to follow suit to the negativity that challenged us. Thought it is critical for us to remember; that it is when we stop believing in our purpose, our ambitions, our resolutions for better lives – that we stop making critical actions and so allow the evil and abysmal failure we dread to lead our lives.

We must regularly remind ourselves by whatever means necessary or possible, that our dreams and lives matter, and that what we believe in and strive for are far more important than the empowered3misguiding grief and doubt that others are bound and determined to dissuade us with. We know without doubt that forging a new life to brighter and higher ground will test our strength and passions. And like the building new muscle and the honing of steel, we must laud and appreciate the moments of angst and challenge we face by knowing that those moments are the strides to achievement and victory. Honoring our commitments to experience new things and to think, act and live in new ways is never easy, though is clearly and absolutely worth it.

We as human being upon our planet, naturally exist by regularly gathering to trade ideas, services, products and motivation and to band together with one another to take the actions that are necessary to make new achievements. Let us make 2016 the greatest year yet, by adopting the mindset, habits and spirit of absolute victory and continual achievement, by working together to achieve the vital goals that matter most.

Yours in living true life,

Daniel Dunn
SEI Founder