For the first time in nearly three and a half years, I didn’t post a monthly web log post near the 9th of the month to address some kind of idea or focus. It felt strange yet appropriate at the same time, considering that for the first time in nearly 18 years, I feel like I’ve finally said all that I can say considering the current circumstances. I’ve condensed the wisdom and insights that I’m blessed to have found to such a degree that I do not believe that it is grammatically possible to communicate them in any way more simply or clearly than I have up to this point. I believe that it must have took this much time, of learning and refining by speaking and living the truths I know to finally reach a point of understanding them well enough to bring forward to others in the common affinity of creating and developing salvation from unnecessary turmoil.
I’ve said confidently for so many years, that the truths and Word I speak is not made from my ego, or my wants or intentions – and is the utmost reflection of science and what we must do to thrive as a species and exist in divine harmony with all existence and creation. Like anything in nature, when more particles and mass are involved at greater rates of speed and efficacy, the greater the impact and the greater change created by such action. Like waves in the ocean and bolts of electricity – we as humans can create profound impact to focuses of great importance even in an instant, if we understand and focus on the same things.
I am absolutely convicted in honest spirit, mind and body to propagating this idea and concept, because I know that it is scientifically and spiritually the only and best course of action we have as people that have needs upon our planet that has a specific ecosystem. The slogan for the ESA, as I have determined it as of now, is, “What, is right not Who, is right”. I often say to people that when we put what is bigger than us before ourselves, we, in turn are bigger and capable of bigger things. When we look at what, is truly the best for us as people upon our planet, as opposed to who, wants for themselves at the expense and abuse of others – we see that the simple truth as presented by the existence of our Universe and God; is so far greater than human wants that they are minuscule and absurd in comparison. I have spoken to people for nearly two decades about the concept of collective ethical responsibility and the radically powerful and beneficial rewards granted by that behavior and understanding. I was hoping to alert people to a new marvel of scientific discovery, much like the flash bang of gun power gathering attention to a new found technology. Even with extensive word of mouth communicating I haven’t alarmed and gathered the attention of any large groups of people like I was hoping, just yet.
I’ve often wondered if the reason why people haven’t immediately began to work with me on this idea and movement, is because they don’t understand how to. And aside from continual moment to moment individual and group triage of the current conditions – there truly isn’t, as of yet, a single blue-print people can look to in deciding how, when and where to participate. And so, the first major outreach that I am making after all these years, will be to leaders of similar charitable entities with the invitation to meld minds with a central think tank from the participating organizations, to plan the five best, most important goals possible. An extra measure is to present the plans and goals to other members of academia and science for even further review and insight. Once the best goals are set and understood, gathering donations and investments to achieving them will set what will be perhaps the most focused and beneficial endeavor in history in motion. And finally, there will be a way for people to see and understand what the goals are and to know and choose how to participate.
There is no doubt that every country, every city, every community and every person, will have to determine and choose the best plans and endeavors they can to make the best life they can for themselves and their loved ones. This is why understanding principles of how life and existence works is so important. And this is why what I am and have been presenting in so far as the focus on ethically and sustainable fulfilling vital needs is so important. It is a way to collectively understand and organized our effort and resources to create the greatest impact possible given number of individuals and groups who participate. And I am so exited to move forward in the process of creating the active plans that the larger public can choose to participate with.
I am confident and exited as I have been my entire life, for human kind to make the lives that we need and deserve through clear insight and elegant devotion. The future we seek awaits us to allow it into existence, and it is up to us to achieve this.
Best wishes, love and regards to everyone this Memorial day,
Daniel Dunn
ESA Protagonist