Category Archives: Social Organization

Ethics, Responsibility & Empowerment

Hello everyone and welcome to my first ‘blog post for our new domain name and web page. As many of you are already well aware of having read the SEI enterprise plan; my purpose for founding the SEI and running this website is for the esteemed purpose of sharing divine wisdom – and with it affirmative resolutions – with the world in our times of crises, challenges and tragedies. And this is what I would like to elaborate more upon in this initial post.

I have repeatedly and openly stated for over three years now, that what is represented and sought to be achieved with the SEI, is the Word & Will of God after it was presented to me by Him directly. The only reason I make mention of this here and now, is to openly and clearly testify to the world, the level of importance and meaning of what I am presenting and to show the reason and purpose behind why the SEI has been developed. This is the last I will mention of this unless otherwise necessary, in the light that speaking His Word and carrying out the vital actions of it, is what is clearly important and relevant to the world over my own experience. I implore and respectfully challenge everyone to scrutinize the message I bear and deem for yourself what is honestly true and worthy of attention and action.

To bring everyone to the understanding of what I need to share, I will be as simple and clear as as I can. In our Universe, we as human beings exist upon our planet with needs to fulfill in order to survive and prosper. And with our world we have natural resources and technological resources created with our skills and ingenuity. And with the mind, skills and enthusiasm we possess as humans, have a naturally ethical and moral duty to provide for our needs in the most ethical and sustainable ways possible, with the resources that we have. This may seem drably simple in a general overview, though what is simple is clearly not always easy.

Over the course of many millennia, human kind has discovered and devised many different ways and means of providing for our vital needs. Though despite all our attempts up to this point in time – we are failing as a species by allowing the rampant torture, war and sickening abuse of ourselves and by causing the first stages of a mass extinction of our planet. It is clear that we face a critical crises that will determine whether or not we will survive on our planet. And it is equally clear that we will all have to align ourselves by the same viable laws and principles if we are to survive and flourish. The law that I represent and stand behind as the base of this resolution is one not chosen by me – but the Law and Word of God – which is inherently bestowed upon every single being ever born on this Earth: Ethics.

In every single being, there is a spirit, often referred to as a conscience; that indicates to every one of us what is ethical and right, and what is unethical and wrong. When we are happy and joyful – it is not merely because of chemical balances in the brain – but because we are in harmony with who and what we truly are as a living being born in this Universe. When we are sad or angry – it is not because of ‘chemical imbalances’ – it is because something in our life is out of balance or out of harmony with the people and world around us. This Law is part of who we are as living beings in existence, and can simply not be decided to be given or taken away by any human being.

We can scientifically analyze what is and is not ethical, by measuring and identifying what aids in the survival, healing, health and development of ourselves as individuals and a society with our world, and by measuring and identifying what harms or insults our health and well-being. In this way and fashion, the Law as naturally given by God/our Universe, is reflected in ethical science. To act against our natural, ethical way of life, is to ultimately and inevitably undermine and betray ones self.

The ‘task’ of determining and understanding this ethical science was greatly aided by the research provided by professor Abraham Maslow and by observing the natural (aka Classical) elements. And it was in the most scientific, logical and ethical ways possible, that I arranged the vital needs as safety/health (earth), education, (water), technology/infrastructure (fire), social organization/operation (wind) and continual development (void). The rest of the information as it exists at this point in regard how I’ve used this ethical science to develop the SEI, is best acquired by reading the enterprise plan. For the rest of this more extensive than normal ‘blog post, I will elaborate further upon what is equally as critical as ethics; responsibility.

Those of you who have followed my work from 12/22/2012 when I first unveiled it to the world, understand how underscored the message of responsibility is, with everything that has become the SEI. We are born on this Earth with an exceptionally developed brain, body and hands; far different than almost any other species. And it is part of who we are as human, living beings by the Will of God Himself – to critically think and act in the best interest of ourselves, our society and our planet. As I have said and will continue to say repeatedly; it is because the whole of society has not, and continues to not, take responsibility for our own survival, welfare and future sustainability; that our species has self-destructed time and time again from war, slavery, mass-murder, oppression and now rampant environmental depletion. If we act how we are naturally and divinely intended to act – in the best interest of ourselves, our society and our environment – we would not be facing the crises and consequences that we now face, and would have little need for standing armies or the hosts of government departments and programs that are needed to provide for the masses who have been taught not to look after themselves, their society or world.

What better purpose for education; than to honestly teach future generations the sciences and skills that are actually required to maintain and develop the infrastructure, technology, organization and safety of our society? What would our world look like if we invested in the people of our society and what actually and honestly aids us and our world instead of what keeps us at war with ourselves and our planet? The miracle of who we are as living beings, is far greater than what we will ever realize in our entire existence in human form, with or without technology or mind sciences. And to say that it is not possible for us to live together on our planet ethically, sustainability and happily, is among the saddest of willing failures imaginable or possible. There is no doubt whatsoever, that we can ensure our survival, welfare and harmony upon our planet – by awakening to our true nature, responsibility and potential.

I will elaborate more on how embracing our ethical responsibility can radically accelerate our quality and experience of life in next months post. For now I thank you for sharing your time and enthusiasm.

Best wishes and regards,

Daniel Dunn
SEI Founder