Category Archives: Technology & Infrastructure

Continual Development


Hello everyone, and thank you to everyone who genuinely reads and appreciates my web log posts. Over the past several weeks I have been learning and experiencing new ways of looking at and living with the world and existence. You could say that I’ve been doing some ‘spring cleaning’, making room for new growth in my career, mental focus and dedications. I’ve been very busy doing the right things so I am elated to be doing so.

Along with new insights and developments, I’ve reaffirmed existing knowledge that communicating quickly is critical to being able to exchange information and ideas in our 15-30 commercial standard contemporary society. I’ve seen and determined that the name, The Society of Ethical Incorporation, requires people to contemplate for longer than can be afforded in our fast-paced times. So in this light, I intend to initiate what I am calling the Ethical Sustainability Alliance, by mid to late summer. This name quickly and easily conveys a purpose and method that people can understand and relate to, which is essentially the exact same methodology, philosophy and practice as the SEI.

The concept and motivation of the SEI has been made public and spoken extensively about in person, though I have made no efforts as of yet, to seek out and network with other social entrepreneurs, scholars, groups or organizations. All I’ve done is make the idea of the SEI publicly available and let people make the choice to participate. Leaving the SEI as the potential concept and ideal that it is, I will be focusing to build and network an alliance of individuals, groups and organizations to understand and ensure ethical and sustainable prosperity that our society and world so desperately need.

If anyone has any thoughts or ideas that you feel are valuable, please communicate them to me. There are so many people people and organizations out there, even but a fraction of them effectively organizing can achieve tremendous success that can serve to awaken and motivate even more people to work together with the same or better focus and determination.

quill-and-scrollThis year is said to be one of great accomplishment and action with the growth and developments made from last year and years prior. Choosing to own my own job and seeing life differently has me more inspired than ever to help our society and world realize and capitalize on our God given potential, power and opportunity. I hope and actively pray that every righteous person on this Earth can understand and live the lives they ought to being children of God upon our planet.

Thank you to everyone who has believed in what is possible and what must be. With this spirit we will one day see the changes we need shed light upon humanity and our world.

God bless,

Daniel Dunn
SEI & ESA Founder

Ethics, Responsibility & Empowerment Continued

The focus of ethical responsibility and how honoring it naturally actuates our potential and empowers us, is a never ending point of focus that all my future posts will reflect or be based on in some way or form. Continuing on the focus of ethical responsibility and empowerment specifically, this month I’ll be focusing more on the bad reasons than the good, of why this is such an essential and critical focus to have. Though what I mention of the good is likely enough to keep anyone who hears of it enthusiastic and motivated.

Simply put, by working together to achieve what we actually and honestly need to (providing for vital needs to reach a state of opulence and empowerment), instead of working against ourselves (controlling and abusing for selfish gain); we can create the greatest wealth possible while avoiding social and environmental crimes and crises. If the standard of our society was working synergetically together to achieve the greatest ethical goals; as a people we would be quick to stand against any idea or action that contradicted this. And because the current standard of our society is to profit and gain by controlling and abusing the effort and resources of all others possible by any means necessary; as a people we stand idol to the worst abuses of our rights, economy and laws. Achieving the positive change that we need requires the critical re-education of what we stand for and how we operate as a society.

We currently live in a time, where an organization can be granted five hundred million dollars of tax-payer money every year and then take living fetus’s and unborn children from their mothers womb and murder them for profit; have none of the guilty imprisoned at all let alone for capital murder and then have non other than the president of the country threaten to veto any bill that doesn’t continue to fund them, in spite of the most damning evidence.

Truly insane, criminal and monstrous philosophies and practices like this, have been cultivated and have flourished largely because the people at large have allowed such evil and sick people to have responsibility and hence control over the systems and powers that allowed them to do this. The criminal history of our modern medical system is just one other example of this. If we as a people do not support the actions that we know need to routinely happen to ensure ethical social progression, our conditions will continue to get even worse. The same people that feel butchering fetus’s and children for profit, mass murdering, torturing, mass incarceration, mind control and denying all right to freedom and liberty is acceptable and desirous; have taken practically total responsibility and control of our lives and resources – for the people themselves have been coerced and manipulated to choose not to.

If we rightly understand and believe that it is our natural duty and affinity as human beings to participate in the ethical planning and operation of our own government and social systems and live by such virtues; we can continually create the most positive impact possible to ourselves, our society and our environment, while preventing and dissuading corruption and abuses. And plotting the best short and long term vital goals on the timeline is a simple and clear way of recording, reviewing, planning, organizing and achieving this. By regularly meeting and working together with this focus in mind, we can change our current social standard from that of rewarding those who can control and abuse the most, to that of everyone benefiting in kind by synergetically working in the best interests of everyone and everything.

There is no reason to put off creating a better world for ourselves any longer. Even small amounts of time and effort to review and support critical efforts, can greatly impact and change our world for the better.

Thank you for your time and interest,

Daniel Dunn
SEI Founder