Tag Archives: a Better Society

From Helplessness to Prosperity


It has been my personal affinity and devotion for well over a decade now, to establish a natural and reliable system that humanity can use to create ethical and sustainable prosperity and live happy lives. Introducing and developing this now, amidst the urgent crises that we face, is more important than ever.

Throughout recorded history, there have been sophisticated systems of controlling and trading people as slaves. And all Tomb of Horemheb - slaverythroughout recorded history, there have been incredible tragedies and crimes against humanity caused by attempts to control and rule all people and resources possible. And now, the tyrants of our current time aim to enslave all they can once again. If we do not act for our own agenda and in turn stop them, they will cause extraordinary and irreversible harm to our society and world.

Collectively knowing the vital common goals that create sustainable prosperity, and independently choosing how we will better ourselves and our world through working and freedomparticipating, is the only way we will ever be able to achieve them. When we all understand what must be done to survive and develop sustainable prosperity; we can all make the conscious choice as to how we will participate and help achieve it. When we work together to achieve common goals that benefit everyone, we can radically increase our quality of life and the health of our planet.

In order to change the course we are heading in, avoid another global catastrophe and change our lives for the better – we must change the way that we think. Can anyone imagine having 80%+ unemployment on purpose? Any legitimate monetary system is based on goods and services; for a pile of gold in a desolate waste-land with no goods or services to trade it for, is worthless. It is within our grasp to be so efficient at providing for our needs with technology, goods and services; that we transcend the need to use money and civically embody our system of governance.

By forming groups and regularly meeting at the local, regional and national levels; we can circulate wisdom, ideas and best practices and better coordinate our personal and collective efforts. By all knowing what must be done, we can all choose how we will help achieve the most important victories.

Within the next ten years, we will see the total transformation of our economic and social system and life as we know it. And it is we, the masses of society, that will choose and determine whether or not this transformation will happen for the best, or for the worst. Tyrannical efforts are being made by groups of very influential people, to disarm and ruthlessly control every major country in the entire world. As we have learned by the despicable atrocities of the Nazi gestapo and other mass-murders – a populous unable to provide for vital needs, such as safety and protection: is a populous vulnerable to genocide and war crimes.

Please join me in embracing the opportunity to make the most of the lives that we have, by regularly planning and working to Shining Earthachieve the goals that create and ensure the best we can in life. By utilize the power of strength in numbers, we create the most impact to creating the highest quality and sustainability of life possible. So long as we choose to know and create the best lives and world we can, we will inevitably achieve it.

Even in small numbers, devoted and enthusiastic people can create enormous impact to the world we live in. It is calculated that 147 companies control 40% of the world market. Even 10 devoted people in each state, is enough people to create profound impact. Imagine what we could achieve with 100 or more. Please share this idea with as many of the right people as you can. By systematically working together with this simple and natural method, we can all live our hopes, passions and dreams for better lives and a better world.

Yours in creating the best lives and world possible,

Daniel Dunn
SEI Founder


Starting a new year inspires all of us to realize our ability to create new goals, new thoughts and to create new lives. It also reminds us and motivates us to realize how special and important our time here in life really is, and how fun, meaningful and rewarding it is to make the most of the time, opportunity and potential we have before us. With all this, the creativity and wit of our minds naturally determines the resolutions that decide goals, that create new habits and new ways of living. 2016 New Year FireworksAnd with these new endeavors and ambitions, we are naturally led out of old comfort zones of old ways of living, to exhilarating and awakening new challenges and opportunities that will forge new strengths, new experiences, new relationships, new loves and new lives. And with every moment, we will have the choice of whether or not we will continue on the path we’ve chosen to a new brighter destiny, or to revert back to the supposed comforts that may no longer serve us. With intelligent and meaningful dreaming and planning, we can make the choices to take the chances that can bring the changes we seek to experience.

We must know that no one else will make our dreams come true but us and so must realize and follow the path that we know is true to the lives we know we are meant to honestly live. Our time strengthin life is naturally to be appreciated and lived truly alive, not to be lived in resentment of wasting the time, effort and resources we have. In knowing the lives that we know we need to live, we come to understand what resolutions must be planned and organized to live them. Beyond token efforts made in mere attempts at better lives, our resolutions are planned  to thoroughly and permanently change our lives forever. To honestly change our lives for the better, and to honestly follow new challenging and exhilarating resolutions, we know that the ways that we think, act and live must likewise change with them.

In the world that we have now in our contemporary time, we know that the problems we face with safety and security, health ‘care’, education, technology, laws and social planning; have their source in the selfish and abusive interests and planning of a minority of our population. Though what most people tend to shy and shrink away from, is facing the honesty that these problems road and stars and crises have been allowed largely by the lack of participation and caring of the majority of our population. Many if not all of us at one point in time or another have allowed ourselves to believe that it is pointless to care about or participate in the actions that we know can change our world and lives for the better. It is all to easy to allow several bad experiences convince us to follow suit to the negativity that challenged us. Thought it is critical for us to remember; that it is when we stop believing in our purpose, our ambitions, our resolutions for better lives – that we stop making critical actions and so allow the evil and abysmal failure we dread to lead our lives.

We must regularly remind ourselves by whatever means necessary or possible, that our dreams and lives matter, and that what we believe in and strive for are far more important than the empowered3misguiding grief and doubt that others are bound and determined to dissuade us with. We know without doubt that forging a new life to brighter and higher ground will test our strength and passions. And like the building new muscle and the honing of steel, we must laud and appreciate the moments of angst and challenge we face by knowing that those moments are the strides to achievement and victory. Honoring our commitments to experience new things and to think, act and live in new ways is never easy, though is clearly and absolutely worth it.

We as human being upon our planet, naturally exist by regularly gathering to trade ideas, services, products and motivation and to band together with one another to take the actions that are necessary to make new achievements. Let us make 2016 the greatest year yet, by adopting the mindset, habits and spirit of absolute victory and continual achievement, by working together to achieve the vital goals that matter most.

Yours in living true life,

Daniel Dunn
SEI Founder

Thanks-Giving & Social Harmony


Hello and happy holidays to everyone! I hope that everyone is well and enjoying them in good spirits. With the Thanksgiving holiday fast approaching and in consideration to the condition and current direction of our society and world, I’m inspired to ask and focus on what we are all working together to cultivate and share with others.

Jennie Brownscombe, “The First Thanksgiving at Plymouth,” 1914

For millennia to our modern day, throughout many nations and cultures, thanksgiving has been and is an act of giving thanks, a prayer for expressing gratitude or a public acknowledgement or celebration of divine goodness. Thanksgiving holidays were naturally celebrated in tandem with annual harvests, where great bounty and time of rest was reaped after many months of arduous personal effort, team work with community and work with ones environment.

The story of Thanksgiving as it has come to be known in much of north America, came about after a portion of European emigrants were aided by native Americans after enduring challenges. This inspired them to share mutual traditions of thanksgiving and celebrate a great feast in thanks and kind consideration. This is a story of friendship and prosperity that was cultivated by perseverance, consideration and kindness, which is much of the inspiration still, for Thanksgiving celebrations across our nation.

The_First_Thanksgiving, Jean Leon Gerome Ferris (1863-1930)

The sad truth, is that after this friendship was cultivated, the native Americans suffered massacres and ended up being unfairly restricted to reservations by later generations. Why? The simple answer, is that the majority of the population had allowed a cruel minority to make the determinations, plans and actions that created the rest of history, without taking any actions to change things for the better. Despite this unfortunate history, Thanksgiving is still celebrated by native and emigrant descendants alike, in recognition of the good and bounty that has been and is, cultivated by labor and divine grace.

For decades, the Thanksgiving story and holiday has led me to consider the impacts that are, and can be, created by people thinking and acting for themselves, and what can happen if people do not think and act for themselves and in turn allow others to think and act for them. If we determine, plan, organize and act for what is right and good; we can all prosper, and if we continue to allow only a minority to determine and plan our lives for us, we will continue to pay the detrimental consequences.

In the name of cultivating the best we can together as a society and people with our environment, we can make collectively planning and organizing simple and effective; by choosing to focus on the key needs and necessities, and plan the goals and projects that achieve their provision and fulfillment, on a commonly accessible timeline.

Creating and using a timeline to analyze past and current conditions, we can educate ourselves, determine and plan the best goals, and organize to achieve them. By planning the best goals related to key vital needs, we Thanksgiving Turkey on Tablecan all unify our focus on creating the greatest impact to everyone and our environment. The goal is to do this regularly at national levels, though until the technology is in place and we gain the critical mass and participation, it is healthy and beneficial to question, determine and even plan and organize in this regard, at local and regional levels.

By making social and environmental responsibility our way of life, we can keep the true spirit of thanksgiving alive year-round, and reap the bountiful rewards of doing so, while preventing and dissuading the cruelty and waste that has led to so many scars throughout our history.

Yours in freedom, friendship and prosperity,

Daniel Dunn
SEI Founder


Photo credits:
“The First Thanksgiving at Plymouth”, Jennie Brownscombe, 1914
“The First Thanksgiving”, Jean Leon Gerome Ferris (1863-1930)
Public Domain Image