Tag Archives: ethical science


For the first time in nearly three and a half years, I didn’t post a monthly web log post near the 9th of the month to address some kind of idea or focus. It felt strange yet appropriate at the same time, considering that for the first time in nearly 18 years, I feel like I’ve finally said all that I can say considering the current circumstances. I’ve condensed the wisdom and insights that I’m blessed to have found to such a degree that I do not believe that it is grammatically possible to communicate them in any way more simply or clearly than I have up to this point. I believe that it must have took this much time, of learning and refining by speaking and living the truths I know to finally reach a point of understanding them well enough to bring forward to others in the common affinity of creating and developing salvation from unnecessary turmoil.

I’ve said confidently for so many years, that the truths and Word I speak is not made from my ego, or my wants or intentions – and is the utmost reflection of science and what we must do to thrive as a species and exist in divine harmony with all existence and creation. Like anything in nature, when more particles and mass are involved at greater rates of speed and efficacy, the greater the impact and the greater change created by such action. Like waves in the ocean and bolts of electricity – we as humans can create profound impact to focuses of great importance even in an instant, if we understand and focus on the same things.

I am absolutely convicted in honest spirit, mind and body to propagating this idea and concept, because I know that it is scientifically and spiritually the only and best course of action we have as people that have needs upon our planet that has a specific ecosystem. The slogan for the ESA, as I have determined it as of now, is, “What, is right not Who, is right”. I often say to people that when we put what is bigger than us before ourselves, we, in turn are bigger and capable of bigger things. When we look at what, is truly the best for us as people upon our planet, as opposed to who, wants for themselves at the expense and abuse of others – we see that the simple truth as presented by the existence of our Universe and God; is so far greater than human wants that they are minuscule and absurd in comparison. I have spoken to people for nearly two decades about the concept of collective ethical responsibility and the radically powerful and beneficial rewards granted by that behavior and understanding. I was hoping to alert people to a new marvel of scientific discovery, much like the flash bang of gun power gathering attention to a new found technology. Even with extensive word of mouth communicating I haven’t alarmed and gathered the attention of any large groups of people like I was hoping, just yet.

I’ve often wondered if the reason why people haven’t immediately began to work with me on this idea and movement, is because they don’t understand how to. And aside from continual moment to moment individual and group triage of the current conditions – there truly isn’t, as of yet, a single blue-print people can look to in deciding how, when and where to participate. And so, the first major outreach that I am making after all these years, will be to leaders of similar charitable entities with the invitation to meld minds with a central think tank from the participating organizations, to plan the five best, most important goals possible. An extra measure is to present the plans and goals to other members of academia and science for even further review and insight. Once the best goals are set and understood, gathering donations and investments to achieving them will set what will be perhaps the most focused and beneficial endeavor in history in motion. And finally, there will be a way for people to see and understand what the goals are and to know and choose how to participate.

There is no doubt that every country, every city, every community and every person, will have to determine and choose the best plans and endeavors they can to make the best life they can for themselves and their loved ones. This is why understanding principles of how life and existence works is so important. And this is why what I am and have been presenting in so far as the focus on ethically and sustainable fulfilling vital needs is so important. It is a way to collectively understand and organized our effort and resources to create the greatest impact possible given number of individuals and groups who participate. And I am so exited to move forward in the process of creating the active plans that the larger public can choose to participate with.

I am confident and exited as I have been my entire life, for human kind to make the lives that we need and deserve through clear insight and elegant devotion. The future we seek awaits us to allow it into existence, and it is up to us to achieve this.

Best wishes, love and regards to everyone this Memorial day,

Daniel Dunn
ESA Protagonist

Continual Development


Hello everyone, and thank you to everyone who genuinely reads and appreciates my web log posts. Over the past several weeks I have been learning and experiencing new ways of looking at and living with the world and existence. You could say that I’ve been doing some ‘spring cleaning’, making room for new growth in my career, mental focus and dedications. I’ve been very busy doing the right things so I am elated to be doing so.

Along with new insights and developments, I’ve reaffirmed existing knowledge that communicating quickly is critical to being able to exchange information and ideas in our 15-30 commercial standard contemporary society. I’ve seen and determined that the name, The Society of Ethical Incorporation, requires people to contemplate for longer than can be afforded in our fast-paced times. So in this light, I intend to initiate what I am calling the Ethical Sustainability Alliance, by mid to late summer. This name quickly and easily conveys a purpose and method that people can understand and relate to, which is essentially the exact same methodology, philosophy and practice as the SEI.

The concept and motivation of the SEI has been made public and spoken extensively about in person, though I have made no efforts as of yet, to seek out and network with other social entrepreneurs, scholars, groups or organizations. All I’ve done is make the idea of the SEI publicly available and let people make the choice to participate. Leaving the SEI as the potential concept and ideal that it is, I will be focusing to build and network an alliance of individuals, groups and organizations to understand and ensure ethical and sustainable prosperity that our society and world so desperately need.

If anyone has any thoughts or ideas that you feel are valuable, please communicate them to me. There are so many people people and organizations out there, even but a fraction of them effectively organizing can achieve tremendous success that can serve to awaken and motivate even more people to work together with the same or better focus and determination.

quill-and-scrollThis year is said to be one of great accomplishment and action with the growth and developments made from last year and years prior. Choosing to own my own job and seeing life differently has me more inspired than ever to help our society and world realize and capitalize on our God given potential, power and opportunity. I hope and actively pray that every righteous person on this Earth can understand and live the lives they ought to being children of God upon our planet.

Thank you to everyone who has believed in what is possible and what must be. With this spirit we will one day see the changes we need shed light upon humanity and our world.

God bless,

Daniel Dunn
SEI & ESA Founder

From Helplessness to Prosperity


It has been my personal affinity and devotion for well over a decade now, to establish a natural and reliable system that humanity can use to create ethical and sustainable prosperity and live happy lives. Introducing and developing this now, amidst the urgent crises that we face, is more important than ever.

Throughout recorded history, there have been sophisticated systems of controlling and trading people as slaves. And all Tomb of Horemheb - slaverythroughout recorded history, there have been incredible tragedies and crimes against humanity caused by attempts to control and rule all people and resources possible. And now, the tyrants of our current time aim to enslave all they can once again. If we do not act for our own agenda and in turn stop them, they will cause extraordinary and irreversible harm to our society and world.

Collectively knowing the vital common goals that create sustainable prosperity, and independently choosing how we will better ourselves and our world through working and freedomparticipating, is the only way we will ever be able to achieve them. When we all understand what must be done to survive and develop sustainable prosperity; we can all make the conscious choice as to how we will participate and help achieve it. When we work together to achieve common goals that benefit everyone, we can radically increase our quality of life and the health of our planet.

In order to change the course we are heading in, avoid another global catastrophe and change our lives for the better – we must change the way that we think. Can anyone imagine having 80%+ unemployment on purpose? Any legitimate monetary system is based on goods and services; for a pile of gold in a desolate waste-land with no goods or services to trade it for, is worthless. It is within our grasp to be so efficient at providing for our needs with technology, goods and services; that we transcend the need to use money and civically embody our system of governance.

By forming groups and regularly meeting at the local, regional and national levels; we can circulate wisdom, ideas and best practices and better coordinate our personal and collective efforts. By all knowing what must be done, we can all choose how we will help achieve the most important victories.

Within the next ten years, we will see the total transformation of our economic and social system and life as we know it. And it is we, the masses of society, that will choose and determine whether or not this transformation will happen for the best, or for the worst. Tyrannical efforts are being made by groups of very influential people, to disarm and ruthlessly control every major country in the entire world. As we have learned by the despicable atrocities of the Nazi gestapo and other mass-murders – a populous unable to provide for vital needs, such as safety and protection: is a populous vulnerable to genocide and war crimes.

Please join me in embracing the opportunity to make the most of the lives that we have, by regularly planning and working to Shining Earthachieve the goals that create and ensure the best we can in life. By utilize the power of strength in numbers, we create the most impact to creating the highest quality and sustainability of life possible. So long as we choose to know and create the best lives and world we can, we will inevitably achieve it.

Even in small numbers, devoted and enthusiastic people can create enormous impact to the world we live in. It is calculated that 147 companies control 40% of the world market. Even 10 devoted people in each state, is enough people to create profound impact. Imagine what we could achieve with 100 or more. Please share this idea with as many of the right people as you can. By systematically working together with this simple and natural method, we can all live our hopes, passions and dreams for better lives and a better world.

Yours in creating the best lives and world possible,

Daniel Dunn
SEI Founder

Living, Loving, Evolving

I once read a fortune cookie that said, “the greatest thoughts come from the heart”. From then to now, that is one of my favorite sayings, because that is absolutely true. When we truly have Love Couplethe best wishes and intentions in mind, spirit and our actions; we live in harmony with the universal way of ever growing, being and becoming all that we can with our infinite and eternal potential.

Looking into our own hearts, we can see that our natural affinity is to love and care for our family, friends and natural environment. It is the natural red galaxyresponsibility of each and every person to look after themselves and others. Understanding this and regularly thinking and acting to do so, is the solution and resolution to the problems we face and is the method to achieving our highest potential.

What would our world and lives look like, how different would our lives be; if we lived in a society that regularly and honestly, thought and acted for the best of ourselves and all others possible? We the people of our society and world, are the source of all power and true change. Without our support, no corporation or nation can continue to exist. And with popular understanding and conviction; any corporation or governing function needed, can be incorporated and facilitated.

We know in our hearts and can sense our conscience, beyond mere impulse; what is right and wrong based on whether or not an action or result is ethical, or unethical. Critically star cluster 640thinking in regard to what, not who, is right; we can ascend beyond quarreling opinion and want, and focus on what is truly important and necessary to developing an ever more ethical and sustainable world and society.

It is our affinity, blessing and duty, to use the creativity and strength of our minds, bodies and spirits; to plot and achieve all that we can, in sustainable developing our world and society. By ever thinking and living from the heart, we can live and continually develop the lives and future we ought to live, as divine beings living upon our earth.

Here’s to living the lives we love and loving the lives we live,

Daniel Dunn
SEI Founder

Winter Solstice, 3rd Anniversary & New Beginnings

Three years ago this day I revealed the resolution to practically every major crises and challenge that we face as the human race, as revealed to me by God directly more than sixteen years earlier. It is a simple way of looking at social planning and organizing in regard to best facilitating the provision of vital needs, in order to create and sustain the best quality and sustainability of life and our ecosystem possible.

Being a logical and rational person, despite having absolute confidence in the Word that I received, felt that I had to somehow understand the working and functioning of society better to present an ideal and way of organizing that I claim supersedes all others in the name of Divine harmony and grace of all society and all existence. Promoting the idea of people in communities and nations planning and organizing themselves in the name of their own and greater vitality and welfare, by focusing on sustainable vital provision and instigating the first truly democratic committees and conferences; has become my prime focus for spreading this simple, naturally reliable resolution to major problems and crises that is the divine Word and natural way of universal existence.

I am a person that deals with the same issues and problems as the majority of the rest of the population and I’m exited and elated to be among the first people standing behind the ideal of organizing and building our society to be best able to look after itself, instead of only relying on groups of corrupt individuals to decide the fate of everyone else. I am finally understanding how this works well enough to invite others to participate, despite this being a rather simple and natural resolution and way of operating.

Just as I’m arriving at the conclusion that I now know what I’m presenting well enough to engage others with it instead of merely making the wisdom publicly available, I experienced a very strange ‘coincidence’ of meeting four people for the first time in one day, on 12/21/2015 and getting into quite deep conversations regarding social welfare and spirituality with each of them. The only other person I recently spoke to on that level also showed up and overheard one of the conversations.

The third person I met and spoke with mentioned how life on Earth and our Universe is reaching an advanced point of evolution and understanding and how this new frequency of universal harmony involves continually being at our highest level instead of continually doing on a lower frequency level. After reviewing the video he mentioned he learned this from, I’m left with the impression that the natural and divine resolution that I am presenting is already in the hearts and minds of many people and that a tremendous positive evolution is indeed in store for our world.

I invite all of you to join me in the sacred work of invoking the divine inspiration, wisdom, redemption and salvation that is unfolding upon our world, by speaking about and promoting the quality and sustainability of life that is created and ensured by exercising our natural affinity and moral obligation to look after the vital provision of ourselves and our ecosystem as communities and nations.

Thank you for sharing the experience of supporting such an exiting, important and meaningful endeavor with me as human beings on our planet during this time.

Best wishes and regards in reaching new levels of personal, human and ecological development,

Daniel Dunn
SEI Founder

The Gift that Keeps on Giving

Welcome to this months ‘blog post and I hope that everyone is enjoying the happiest of holidays. In the spirit of the Christmas season and holidays, I would like to focus this months post on caring for others and how this in itself is the red-christmas-presentgreatest gift one can ever receive, and how this relates to cultivating the resolutions that our society and world needs in order to realize prosperity and salvation from catastrophe and turmoil.

True change starts in the heart and mind of each individual, it is not imposed by force or decree. It is our own conscience, that inherently and intrinsically knows ethics from abuse, morality from immorality and hence; right from wrong. When we aid those in need, we naturally feel divine love and grace in our own hearts and spirits. And when we learn of crimes and injustices being done to others or ourselves, we naturally and rightly feel angered or intolerant to the source or cause of such.

Given our natural circumstances, being living beings upon our planet; it is a conditional fact of reality that when we look after our entire society, we also look after our own lives as families and individuals. So in truth spiritually and morally as well as physically and logistically; looking after others is the right choice in looking after our world and self. The act of giving gifts to brighten and better the lives of others, is a representation and act of the true source of the magic of the holidays. God gave us the source of our lives and existence and his begotten son, Jesus-Christ-JerusalemJesus gave his life, as do all true heroes, for others and it is our true affinity and nature to give and dedicate the time, effort and consideration of our lives caring for and bettering others and our world.

Jesus preached of love, mercy, kindness and also of the apocalypse. The apocalypse is not, the end of the world or the end of humanity, but the end of tyranny and the end of evil. By caring for others and ourselves through knowing and doing what is needed to spare and improve the lives of everyone, in a sparring and considerate manner – we naturally overcome evil and tyranny and learn more of what most urgently needs to be done and how to achieve it.

The concept of truly caring for the world and society around us, is often scoffed at and criticized as being counter-productive to taking everything one can for themselves at the expense of others. However, realizing that caring for others and our world is a literal part of who we are as living spiritual beings, is part of realizing the true way that society must work and the resolutions that we must inevitably choose and agree upon as an awakened and caring society.

The winter solstice, the evergreen tree and the Word of Jesus, are examples and representations of overcoming darkness and evil. And so it is simple to see howchristmas-tree-hd-wallpapers-cool-desktop-images-widescreen
western-Eurasian cultures developed the Christmas holiday over the course of more than two millennia.

By understanding how we need to truly care for our society and world (individual and collective focus on the quality provision of vital needs), we learn how to look after ourselves and how to become better people. And by working together to do this with love in our hearts, we can keep the spirit of Christmas and the winter holidays alive in every day of our lives.

Merry Christmas, happy holidays and best wishes to all,

Daniel Dunn
SEI Founder