Thanks-Giving & Social Harmony


Hello and happy holidays to everyone! I hope that everyone is well and enjoying them in good spirits. With the Thanksgiving holiday fast approaching and in consideration to the condition and current direction of our society and world, I’m inspired to ask and focus on what we are all working together to cultivate and share with others.

Jennie Brownscombe, “The First Thanksgiving at Plymouth,” 1914

For millennia to our modern day, throughout many nations and cultures, thanksgiving has been and is an act of giving thanks, a prayer for expressing gratitude or a public acknowledgement or celebration of divine goodness. Thanksgiving holidays were naturally celebrated in tandem with annual harvests, where great bounty and time of rest was reaped after many months of arduous personal effort, team work with community and work with ones environment.

The story of Thanksgiving as it has come to be known in much of north America, came about after a portion of European emigrants were aided by native Americans after enduring challenges. This inspired them to share mutual traditions of thanksgiving and celebrate a great feast in thanks and kind consideration. This is a story of friendship and prosperity that was cultivated by perseverance, consideration and kindness, which is much of the inspiration still, for Thanksgiving celebrations across our nation.

The_First_Thanksgiving, Jean Leon Gerome Ferris (1863-1930)

The sad truth, is that after this friendship was cultivated, the native Americans suffered massacres and ended up being unfairly restricted to reservations by later generations. Why? The simple answer, is that the majority of the population had allowed a cruel minority to make the determinations, plans and actions that created the rest of history, without taking any actions to change things for the better. Despite this unfortunate history, Thanksgiving is still celebrated by native and emigrant descendants alike, in recognition of the good and bounty that has been and is, cultivated by labor and divine grace.

For decades, the Thanksgiving story and holiday has led me to consider the impacts that are, and can be, created by people thinking and acting for themselves, and what can happen if people do not think and act for themselves and in turn allow others to think and act for them. If we determine, plan, organize and act for what is right and good; we can all prosper, and if we continue to allow only a minority to determine and plan our lives for us, we will continue to pay the detrimental consequences.

In the name of cultivating the best we can together as a society and people with our environment, we can make collectively planning and organizing simple and effective; by choosing to focus on the key needs and necessities, and plan the goals and projects that achieve their provision and fulfillment, on a commonly accessible timeline.

Creating and using a timeline to analyze past and current conditions, we can educate ourselves, determine and plan the best goals, and organize to achieve them. By planning the best goals related to key vital needs, we Thanksgiving Turkey on Tablecan all unify our focus on creating the greatest impact to everyone and our environment. The goal is to do this regularly at national levels, though until the technology is in place and we gain the critical mass and participation, it is healthy and beneficial to question, determine and even plan and organize in this regard, at local and regional levels.

By making social and environmental responsibility our way of life, we can keep the true spirit of thanksgiving alive year-round, and reap the bountiful rewards of doing so, while preventing and dissuading the cruelty and waste that has led to so many scars throughout our history.

Yours in freedom, friendship and prosperity,

Daniel Dunn
SEI Founder


Photo credits:
“The First Thanksgiving at Plymouth”, Jennie Brownscombe, 1914
“The First Thanksgiving”, Jean Leon Gerome Ferris (1863-1930)
Public Domain Image