The Gift that Keeps on Giving

Welcome to this months ‘blog post and I hope that everyone is enjoying the happiest of holidays. In the spirit of the Christmas season and holidays, I would like to focus this months post on caring for others and how this in itself is the red-christmas-presentgreatest gift one can ever receive, and how this relates to cultivating the resolutions that our society and world needs in order to realize prosperity and salvation from catastrophe and turmoil.

True change starts in the heart and mind of each individual, it is not imposed by force or decree. It is our own conscience, that inherently and intrinsically knows ethics from abuse, morality from immorality and hence; right from wrong. When we aid those in need, we naturally feel divine love and grace in our own hearts and spirits. And when we learn of crimes and injustices being done to others or ourselves, we naturally and rightly feel angered or intolerant to the source or cause of such.

Given our natural circumstances, being living beings upon our planet; it is a conditional fact of reality that when we look after our entire society, we also look after our own lives as families and individuals. So in truth spiritually and morally as well as physically and logistically; looking after others is the right choice in looking after our world and self. The act of giving gifts to brighten and better the lives of others, is a representation and act of the true source of the magic of the holidays. God gave us the source of our lives and existence and his begotten son, Jesus-Christ-JerusalemJesus gave his life, as do all true heroes, for others and it is our true affinity and nature to give and dedicate the time, effort and consideration of our lives caring for and bettering others and our world.

Jesus preached of love, mercy, kindness and also of the apocalypse. The apocalypse is not, the end of the world or the end of humanity, but the end of tyranny and the end of evil. By caring for others and ourselves through knowing and doing what is needed to spare and improve the lives of everyone, in a sparring and considerate manner – we naturally overcome evil and tyranny and learn more of what most urgently needs to be done and how to achieve it.

The concept of truly caring for the world and society around us, is often scoffed at and criticized as being counter-productive to taking everything one can for themselves at the expense of others. However, realizing that caring for others and our world is a literal part of who we are as living spiritual beings, is part of realizing the true way that society must work and the resolutions that we must inevitably choose and agree upon as an awakened and caring society.

The winter solstice, the evergreen tree and the Word of Jesus, are examples and representations of overcoming darkness and evil. And so it is simple to see howchristmas-tree-hd-wallpapers-cool-desktop-images-widescreen
western-Eurasian cultures developed the Christmas holiday over the course of more than two millennia.

By understanding how we need to truly care for our society and world (individual and collective focus on the quality provision of vital needs), we learn how to look after ourselves and how to become better people. And by working together to do this with love in our hearts, we can keep the spirit of Christmas and the winter holidays alive in every day of our lives.

Merry Christmas, happy holidays and best wishes to all,

Daniel Dunn
SEI Founder